Staff Profile

Isabelle Grant
Land Carbon Lead
Isabelle Grant is an experienced environmental professional in the fields of carbon sequestration, the bioeconomy and emissions analysis. She has worked on strategic reports for the state government and large international research consortiums in analysing opportunities for the regional and municipal zero carbon economy.
Isabelle’s work with Professor Ross Garnaut features carbon accounting framework research and land carbon policy analysis and a chapter on land carbon in the 2022 book The Superpower Transformation, Making Australia’s Zero Carbon Future. She holds a Masters degree in Environmental Technology from Imperial College London.
The Superpower Transformation: Making Australia's zero-carbon future
Ross Garnaut and contributors offer compelling new evidence that stronger and earlier action on climate change will be good for jobs and incomes, including in rural and regional Australia.

Low Carbon Liquid Fuels Consultation Paper
The Superpower Institute's submission to the Future Made in Australia: Unlocking Australia’s low carbon liquid fuel opportunity

ACCU method development: Comprehensive Carbon Accounting
The Superpower Institute's ACCU method development proposal to the Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC) via the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units