Nov 18, 2024

The New Energy Trade: Harnessing Australian renewables for global development

World-first analysis of the superpower trade finds Australia could contribute up to 9.6% of the world's emissions reductions while generating six to eight times larger revenues than those typical from Australian fossil fuel exports.



National Electricity Market wholesale market settings

The Superpower Institute's submission to the Australian Government's review of the National Electricity Market (NEM) wholesale market settings

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Lets Tax Carbon: And Other Ideas for a Better Australia

The path to Australia becoming a full-employment, renewable-energy superpower begins with taxing carbon, argues Ross Garnaut in the latest instalment of his Superpower series.

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Open Data

Open Methane

A free, open platform for detecting, measuring and locating Australia's methane emissions.

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Open Data

Open Electricity

A free, open data platform for tracking and understanding Australia's electricity transition.

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Unlocking green metals opportunities for a Future Made in Australia

The Superpower Institute's submission to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee into the provisions of the Future Made in Australia bills.

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The Superpower Transformation: Making Australia's zero-carbon future

Ross Garnaut and contributors offer compelling new evidence that stronger and earlier action on climate change will be good for jobs and incomes, including in rural and regional Australia.





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ACCU method development: Comprehensive Carbon Accounting

The Superpower Institute's ACCU method development proposal to the Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC) via the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units

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Low Carbon Liquid Fuels Consultation Paper

The Superpower Institute's submission to the Future Made in Australia: Unlocking Australia’s low carbon liquid fuel opportunity

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Journal Article

China, global economic disintegration, and the climate change challenge

China’s pivotal role in the global shift to net zero hinges on open international trade, enabling it to supply the zero-emissions world economy

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DCCEEW Electricity and Energy Sector Plan

The Superpower Institute’s submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) in response to the Australian Government’s Electricity and Energy Sector Plan.

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National Emissions Monitoring Roadmap

The Superpower Institute's strategy outlining how Australia can regain its greenhouse gas measurement world leadership to benefit the economy and climate.

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Superpower: Australia's Low-Carbon Opportunity

In this first book of the Superpower series, Ross Garnaut makes a case for how Australia can become an economic superpower of the post-carbon world.

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