Republishing Guidelines

We encourage the syndication of our articles to help spread valuable insights and data on Australia’s extraordinary opportunities in the post-carbon world. To ensure proper usage and maintain the integrity of our content, please follow the guidelines below:


All articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-ND 4.0). This means you can republish our articles without making any changes to the content, and you must credit The Superpower Institute.

How to Credit Us

When republishing our articles, please include the following credit:

  • Author Name, The Superpower Institute
  • Include a link to the original article on our website.
  • Example: “This article by Jane Doe was originally published on The Superpower Institute [link to the original article].”
Guidelines for Republishing
  1. No Changes Allowed: You may not alter, edit or modify the article in any way.
  2. Include All Links: Ensure that all links in the original article are preserved and functional in the republished version.
  3. No Commercial Use: The article cannot be used for commercial purposes.
  4. Image Use: Images included in our articles are not covered by the CC BY-ND 4.0 licence. You must obtain separate permission to use any images.
  5. Notify Us: While not mandatory, we appreciate a notification when you republish our content. This helps us track usage and engagement. You can notify us at [[email protected]].

Questions and Permissions

For any questions or to request additional permissions, please contact us at [[email protected]].

Thank you for helping us spread knowledge and understanding about Australia’s extraordinary opportunities in the post-carbon economy.