
Fiscal policy to support future energy commodity exports

Targeted fiscal measures can drive global decarbonisation while fostering new export opportunities for Australia.

Presented as part of Melbourne Energy Institute Network23, Seminar #5 on 1 September, 2023

On September 1, 2023, Ross Garnaut presented to the Melbourne Energy Network23 on the critical role of fiscal policy in shaping the future of Australia’s energy commodity exports.

In his session, Garnaut explored how different fiscal interventions could either bolster or impede the global decarbonisation efforts, with a specific focus on how these policies might influence the growth of new export industries in Australia. He also examined the broader implications of these policies on Australian economic development, considering the country's transition to a net-zero economy.

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Ross Garnaut


Ross Garnaut AC is a renowned economist specialising in development, economic policy and international relations. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Melbourne and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences. His contributions to trade policy and climate change have made him a trusted adviser to successive Australian governments.