
Funding Australia's path to net zero emissions: Budget implications for climate solutions

How the Federal Budget supports Australia’s path to net zero and the Future Made in Australia vision

Presented to the Investor Group on Climate Change at their May Briefing on 14 May, 2024

As part of the inaugural Climate Action Week Sydney, the Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) hosted Superpower Institute chair Rod Sims. In the session, Sims explored the Federal Budget’s implications for Australia’s journey to net zero emissions, with a focus on how it supports the government's visions for a Future Made in Australia.

Rod Sims

Chair, The Superpower Institute

Rod Sims AO is a Professor at ANU, Chair of Opera Australia and Chair of the National Data Advisory Committee. He previously chaired the ACCC (2011-2022), served as Deputy Secretary (Economic) in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and Principal Economic Adviser to PM Bob Hawke (1988-1990).